I was introduced to CARNIVAL OF SOULS (1962) some twenty years ago by a buddy of mine. I had never heard of the film before, and since it has always been my friend’s favorite film he was more than happy to lend me his VHS copy. All I can say after sitting through this tale of afterlife and the ghouls that chase us is that I totally get why he loved it so. Fast forward to 2012 where I get the chance to see it all over again. And is it as worthy? Two words to that: Like Duh.

Candace Hilligoss is an organ player who, after cheating death, starts seeing dead people. They’re everywhere she goes: in the reflection of her car window, at her rooming house; at the carnival… Moreover, as if in a trance, she suddenly becomes invisible to her entourage, but only for a short period of time. Enough to become even more scared and confused. All of this is told from her point of view, with some organ music and shadowy corners to spare, and it works aplenty. Yes, the script and the performance may not always be up to par but the overall effect is quite stifling, if not chilling.

Director Herk Harvey works well with a meager budget and even manages to gloss everything up. Indeed, every frame looks fine and dandy. Impressive even comes to mind. Of course, the film has a few flaws, like being monotonous once in awhile. But those are few and far between. And, to tell you the truth, all is saved by the big revelation near the end. A big cliffhanger that makes you go over the film again either in your head or at the click of a DVD button.
Yes, CARNIVAL OF SOULS deserves proudly his classic status. It is cult horror at its best. Probably, because most viewers will find it fun and exciting. Now, I’ve heard little about the colorized version. Is it worth it? I probably guess so, since it’s presented in all its glory. But to tell you the truth, I much rather remember this film as it is. Clearly one of the best low-budget quickie to ever grace our screens.
Until next post—Martin